​Welcome to The Learning Lane. Here is some information on aspects of the programme that we run. We look forward to working together with you and sharing this learning journey with you and your child and hope you enjoy your time with us.  



What parents are saying about us...
TLL is such a special place. The teachers are passionate about making the environment fun, educational, warm and inclusive.
If you are looking for a caring loving preschool to send your children to, this is the best. It is small and has a wonderful family atmosphere.
We are quite new to TLL and we are overwhelmed by how warmly we have been welcomed, how quickly the teachers have really got to know my son and how much he LOVES to go! TLL provide an exceptional level of care and go the extra mile to be envolved with and teach the children. We as a family are so happy with TLL and highly recommend.
TLL is a wonderful preschool. The teachers are wonderful in extending the children in their ideas and what they like to do and play at special times. It has a fabulous playground that is safe and well appointed for lots of different activities. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a small well appointed, caring, teaching and loving environment.
Come And Visit Us

Growing children with nature and nurture.